There are a few target markets for Encinitas Skatejam Collaborative
that help the majority of the business to run. The basic target markets are at Risk
youth, Skateboarders. Other non-profit organizations, Sponsors for skaters. The
Main Target Market This structure is in direct correlation to the majority of
the demographic of skateboarders, who do not come from affluent backgrounds.
For many, regardless of their skill level, the opportunity to make
skateboarding a reasonable career path is not tangible, mainly due to financial
situations and conditions of living.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Week 5 Part 1

Subways Target market looks advertise fast and easy to find anywhere you are. Their target market is larger than Hungry Bear where they are targeting a smaller area of people with their big portions for low prices and “never frozen” food. Both companies seem to target an all age demographic both with kids menus. Although subway does advertise its freshness, Hungry Bear meets the fresh market better using reviews for real people and descriptions saying, “always fresh”. Subway also hits the Franchise market for people who would like to own a business. “Be your own boss” with steps to getting your own subway. When Hungry bear clearly has one location that has a homie family feel which brings in the friendly neighborhood market. Which leads us into the Psychographics of each business, Like I said earlier Hungry bear gives a smaller family warm feel and Subway is more of a sport demographic. Subway is influencing the consumer that they should eat Subway before or after a sports event or sports activity. Referring to what we talk about last week Subway and Hungry Bear have very different layouts when it comes to colors, pictures, and information. Subway has the iconic colors and logo of yellow and green arrows making an S where if you see it without having the word subway next to it, you would most likely be able to figure out the logo was for subway. The colors with a white background give it a fresh light feel. Hungry bear has a bit of a darker color scheme with pictures of the store in the background and comments from real people about their portions and freshness while keeping it's professional and not overwhelming. Both websites use the best of the best-looking pictures of their sandwiches to get the consumer to want to buy what they see. Subway is based off new items and Hungry Bear is based on the most popular items. Because these are both relatively sandwich shops they have the same all ages target market and some similarities, but also have differences that set each restaurant apart from one another which will influence the consumer of what they want including freshness, convenience, price, and proportion. Overall even with very different tones each business site get their point across effectively.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Week 4 part 1

The two websites that could use a bit of help:
For the Website there were a few immediate Problems for visitors I saw were; Colors, Outdated and organization. The colors of the websites are eye-catching yes, but it's very overwhelming to the viewer. The neon reds, blues, and yellows move your eyes all over the page constantly and make it generally hard to read. Changing the website to a certain subgroup of colors to help the reader scan the page for what they are there for. The page looks super outdated. Although it says it was updated in 2018 it looks more like a rudimentary early 2000s website connected to a myspace page. Changing the font, Removing the moving banners and taking away the block format will make the page flow better and look more like a page someone could trust and would be more willing to buy off of. Organization of the website is all over the place. The website goes from selling parts to special events back to selling parts and then to social media. If they organized into sections of just selling parts then social media, contacts and special events it would help the reader find what they need faster instead of getting frustrated not knowing where to go. Also adding a search bar would help the site out a lot.
For the website Penny juice I found a couple of the same problems Rover 6 cars had the main thing was the color combos, The repetition, and picture quality. Once again the colors really through you off guard. I understand that it’s a website geared toward children, but there are better color schemes with multiple colors that look a bit cleaner. The rainbow font is a bit hokey looking. Color gradient like in the examples from the lectures would still be a fun eye-catching website and would make it less overwhelming. Scrolling through the websites there’s a lot repetition to try to coax the viewer into buying the juice, but instead of just huge letters saying BUY Now all over the page they should keep it to the top category for them to make the decision based on reviews of people and maybe even getting more social media websites like Instagram will help the advertising flow more smoothly. The picture quality is not great, to say the least. It makes the product almost look unappetizing and cheap. When you click on the link to learn about the juice it has only two photos that look like they were taken with a flip phone. Better quality photos, more interesting posts and better details when it comes to the juice will help the viewer decided on if they would like to buy it based on how good it looks. At the end of the day, especially nowadays esthetic is key and a picture will sell someone or turn someone off from a product.
The two websites that nailed it:
The website for Apple is very pleasing for the viewer. The product photos and information on each product is almost flawless. Navigation through the website is fairly easy for the common user. A search bar is always personally what I look for in a great website. The colors flow well together with the black and greyscale backgrounds and the white easy to read font. Each category at the top of the page gives the viewer easy access to exactly what they are looking for. Apple also includes multiple ways of finding a store if you would like to see the product in person, Easy ways to contact support and problem solving on the website. The website overall is very aesthetically pleasing. The advertising isn’t too much in your face with the website presenting good deals for a product.
The website for Toyota starts off with a simple navigation technique of asking for a zip code giving you the closest dealerships to the viewer giving it a personal feel. The white and red esthetic isn’t overwhelming. It has easy to use categories at the top including the type of vehicle you want, pricing and contacts. After you find your location there are high-quality photos of the vehicles and videos to watch. Instead of having long paragraphs on what each vehicle offers they have bullet points which is easier for the viewer to read. The main page also has the rewards Toyota has won including the best resale value award which encourages the viewer to want to buy the product knowing there’s a good future to it and is great quality without having to say it. Toyota even has a section that tells you what is going on with news articles with financial offerings for students and military.
The two websites overall are great websites to use, I would fully recommend a trusting looking website such as these to anyone looking for a product. The websites sell itself easy.
Monday, February 11, 2019
Week 3 Part 2
!!11Go Pro Website: Go Pro uses many websites such as; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pintrest and YouTube. Go Pro seems to use all of their social medias often, Their Facebook and Instagram have at least two posts a day on them 2/11/2019. Their Twitter seems to be used a bit less seems to be used about 2-3 times a week their last post was 2/8/19. Pintrest on the other hand seems to be used about 4 times a month their last post on there was 2/1/2019. They seem to use their social medias pretty well and often. The less popular sites such as Pintrest and Twitter they don’t post as frequently.
2. RastaClat: Rastaclat uses Intagram, Facebook and twitter
Rastaclat actively uses all of their social media websites, the most used one is Instagram posting 1-3 times a day 2/11/2019 they posted twice. Facebook they post once everyday 2/11/2019, Twitter is about the same posting once everyday 2/11/19. All of these are being used well and shows rastaclat is very involved with their followers which includes responding to peoples comments, retweeting, reposting their followers photos etc. Where one site is posted on more, the other sites are still active in these other interactives with followers to make up for it.
Vans is a huge company and uses their Intagram often, about two times a day and they have multiple accounts for each section of vans like surf,skate, their customer appreciation etc. Facebook is also the same with multiple posts a day and have multiple accounts along with it. Their pintrest is also active about once a day along with tumblr and wanelo 2/11/19. Vans is pretty interactive on social media and the amount of followers they have and comments on posts shows it. All of their social medias are being used frequently.
Netlfix uses Intagram about once everyday along with their twitter and youtube. They seem to be less interactive with followers and only post when there is a new show being aired and memes surrounding their popular shows such as big mouth, American horror story etc. All of their accounts are used about the same and seem to post the exact same thing on the same day and same hour to reach the bigger crowds more effectively when advertising.
5. Airbnb: Airbnb uses facebook,twitter and Instagram
Airbnb uses all of there accounts like Netflix does when it comes to the exact same posts in the same hour on each site about once per day 2/11/19. Airbnb does a great job at advertising the best of the best-looking places. Each post makes you want to be there establishing great prices and easy booking in every post.
Every company I listed use social media as a main act of advertising for their companies. All free websites that saves them mass amount of money. Each of the companies I mentioned have similar posting styles but are all unique in the way they post when it come to advertising, Customer relations and interactives with their followers. All of them use the same main Social media which are, Facebook, Instagram and twitter. The not so common ones that were used in only a few were Tumblr, Pintrest, and youtube. The most uncommon one I saw was Wanelo. I was curious to see the way each website advertised their social medias. Every Website had their social media’s at the bottom of their page with icons that were clickable links. All of the social media’s were easy to access and eye catching to attract the common consumer to their product. Some of the sites were more obvious advertising techniques while others such as Gopro and Vans were more of an indirect advertising technique.
Sunday, February 10, 2019
Week 3 response comments
I responded on these three amazing posts! Great job to everyone really made you think :)
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Social media use for businesses week 3 part 1
Luckily, I haven’t had any issues/ difficulties in communicating with a business. I think social media should be a last resort when trying to get a problem solved, but I have heard many accounts in which it does work. In situations such as bad service or even companies that are unprofessional and the customer writes a post about them or tags them in something explaining what happened they are more likely to get a problem in that situation solved because it is seen by multiple people. When it is seen by multiple people the business risks “bad press”. I also know plenty of business that uses social media like Instagram that people can DM and get assistance directly to a person.
I have had a few positive experiences communicating with a business through social media, again through Instagram. I do some Brand influencer stuff with a few companies such as Rastaclat and Madera. These companies actually contacted me through social media to be a Brand ambassador/influencer and I have gotten to personally talk to the business through DM until one feels more comfortable to give out an email or address to furthermore sensitive type information. Rastaclat by far has the best communication skills through social media, it has a huge following with many people who will personally work with you if you have any questions or problems.
If it was my own business on social media I would focus on the more positive comments. Even responding to each positive comment by liking it or giving appreciation to the person/ persons leaving the comments. If someone comments with a problem or issue I would politely respond with either “we are sorry you had a bad experience” something like that and “Please DM us and we are more than happy to fix the issue or respond with “ We will be DMing you soon to hopefully take care of the issue for you 😊”. If people comment rude comments or clearly targeting comments than I would delete the comment and block the person from seeing the post/ business page. At the end of the day customer service will make or break a company and since social media is a huge part of the newer generations/ consumers it should be utilized to help the consumer. For the other so-called “trolls” they will always be around and handling them as professional as possible is always the best option.
Sunday, February 3, 2019
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