Subways Target market looks advertise fast and easy to find anywhere you are. Their target market is larger than Hungry Bear where they are targeting a smaller area of people with their big portions for low prices and “never frozen” food. Both companies seem to target an all age demographic both with kids menus. Although subway does advertise its freshness, Hungry Bear meets the fresh market better using reviews for real people and descriptions saying, “always fresh”. Subway also hits the Franchise market for people who would like to own a business. “Be your own boss” with steps to getting your own subway. When Hungry bear clearly has one location that has a homie family feel which brings in the friendly neighborhood market. Which leads us into the Psychographics of each business, Like I said earlier Hungry bear gives a smaller family warm feel and Subway is more of a sport demographic. Subway is influencing the consumer that they should eat Subway before or after a sports event or sports activity. Referring to what we talk about last week Subway and Hungry Bear have very different layouts when it comes to colors, pictures, and information. Subway has the iconic colors and logo of yellow and green arrows making an S where if you see it without having the word subway next to it, you would most likely be able to figure out the logo was for subway. The colors with a white background give it a fresh light feel. Hungry bear has a bit of a darker color scheme with pictures of the store in the background and comments from real people about their portions and freshness while keeping it's professional and not overwhelming. Both websites use the best of the best-looking pictures of their sandwiches to get the consumer to want to buy what they see. Subway is based off new items and Hungry Bear is based on the most popular items. Because these are both relatively sandwich shops they have the same all ages target market and some similarities, but also have differences that set each restaurant apart from one another which will influence the consumer of what they want including freshness, convenience, price, and proportion. Overall even with very different tones each business site get their point across effectively.
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