Luckily, I haven’t had any issues/ difficulties in communicating with a business. I think social media should be a last resort when trying to get a problem solved, but I have heard many accounts in which it does work. In situations such as bad service or even companies that are unprofessional and the customer writes a post about them or tags them in something explaining what happened they are more likely to get a problem in that situation solved because it is seen by multiple people. When it is seen by multiple people the business risks “bad press”. I also know plenty of business that uses social media like Instagram that people can DM and get assistance directly to a person.
I have had a few positive experiences communicating with a business through social media, again through Instagram. I do some Brand influencer stuff with a few companies such as Rastaclat and Madera. These companies actually contacted me through social media to be a Brand ambassador/influencer and I have gotten to personally talk to the business through DM until one feels more comfortable to give out an email or address to furthermore sensitive type information. Rastaclat by far has the best communication skills through social media, it has a huge following with many people who will personally work with you if you have any questions or problems.
If it was my own business on social media I would focus on the more positive comments. Even responding to each positive comment by liking it or giving appreciation to the person/ persons leaving the comments. If someone comments with a problem or issue I would politely respond with either “we are sorry you had a bad experience” something like that and “Please DM us and we are more than happy to fix the issue or respond with “ We will be DMing you soon to hopefully take care of the issue for you 😊”. If people comment rude comments or clearly targeting comments than I would delete the comment and block the person from seeing the post/ business page. At the end of the day customer service will make or break a company and since social media is a huge part of the newer generations/ consumers it should be utilized to help the consumer. For the other so-called “trolls” they will always be around and handling them as professional as possible is always the best option.
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