Depending on if your business blog has a face to it such as the one we have in class can depend on how personal a post can be. Adding a personal real human behind the face of a business can really help with helping customers and viewers connect on a deeper level with the company and blogger themselves. When blogging for someone else or a company with personal guidelines that don't recommend a level of very personal outlooks it is important to be able to influence the companies ideal. For example when blogging for a stricter company, putting ideals and acceptable levels of personality to a company can greatly influence the viewer to almost have a relatable situation with the company.
Adding a guest writer can also help with influencing a personal feel. This can also help new readers to find you when your link is associated with another person's blog which can bump up viewer analytics.
One thing I have recognized when it comes to business and selling using ads is that the ones that have an emotional appeal tend to do the best. I looked up why emotion is so important and study shows that customers rely on emotion, rather than information to make a decision on which brand they choose and influence. The emotional responses to ads are more influential on a person's intent to buy than the content of an ad. As Douglas Van Praet, author of Unconscious Branding: How Neuroscience Can Empower (and Inspire) Marketing, wrote in Fast Company, “The most startling truth is we don’t even think our way to logical solutions. We feel our way to reason. Emotions are the substrate, the base layer of neural circuitry underpinning even rational deliberation. Emotions don’t hinder decisions. They constitute the foundation on which they’re made!” I personally find this very true, when a brand shows a more personable background aka putting a face to the business, I am more likely to stand behind it and more likely to buy the product especially when it is ensuring things such as "when you buy this item 15% is donated to save the oceans".
The Advertising Research Foundation concluded that Studies show that positive emotions toward a brand have a far greater influence on consumer loyalty than trust and other judgments, which are based on a brand’s attributes. Have you noticed this? when looking at posts from a real human being vs a specifically illustrated post which are you more likely to want to read? A real opinion vs a comprised response is always something I look for in a company. when involving other people such as using real comments from real people in a post I tend to trust the company more and am more willing to buy or share what that company is selling or providing.
When it comes to business I sometimes find my self too into a comprised specifically illustrated responses. This assignment made me realize that when it comes to me being the customer I am more likely to go with the company that I have a connection with which intern makes me a loyal customer. I am a creature of habit I go to the same places for specific things, but when looking for a new company I base my decision of reviews of how the company interacts with its customers and the personable feel to make me comfortable when choosing the brand. The next time you are looking for something new think about why you are choosing to go with that company. For the companies, you are loyal with think about why you are loyal to these companies. Does the emotional and personable feel of the company influence your decision?
Great post! For me, it depends on what the company is trying to do. For example, if its the ASPCA or National Parks I immediately pay attention because these are some of my weaknesses and I end up donating each year to their causes because I am passionate about it. Non-profits have a way to get my money! If it's a company trying to sell me something by targeting my emotions, I automatically look the other way because if I don't need it then I don't want it. I'm not loyal to any company anymore.