Monday, April 22, 2019

Week 12 Part

One online marketing tool that I actually really enjoyed using in my past marketing jobs is called It is a social media management platform that lets your build smarter workflows, scales across your organization and delivers demonstrable ROI and can also help your monitor what people are saying about your brand and help you respond instantly. It allows you to managers sites such as; twitter, Facebook pages, linked in pages, Instagram, Wordpress blogs, vimo, tumblr, evernote, flickr,mailchimp, slideshare, storify and a ton more which includes adding more than one page from each social media site. It is an all in one app where you can see all your pages and post from all of them at scheduled times of your choosing. You can make posts in advance and schedule them for a certain time of day which is why I found it so useful in the first place. You can also cross post which means you can write a post and it will be posted on the sites of your choosing all at the same time. It’s a great social media and marketing tool to use when you have a lot of accounts with regular postings with advertising and more.
It would be easy to integrate this marketing tool for my business and other businesses that a social media based on the fact of what we have learned about specific times being better to post than others on certain days. Being able to plan out tons of posts for the week and then not have to continuously be on each app separately posting when you think is the right time. The marketing tool website also has lots of tips and marketing tricks including real people you can set up with to video chat that will give you real-time advice on how to grow your marketing strategy of your business.
Image result for hootsuite

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