Monday, April 22, 2019

Week 7 part 2

I think these posts will engage my audience mainly because of the picture content. When it comes to remembering anything personally I remember a picture of a post with a bunch of words. Plus then you are more likely to get engagement on posts such as likes and comments when a picture is involved. Also attention grabbers such as "Guess what?!" will draw peoples eyes to your post because of its urgency. I find the more appealing the post the better. Also, pictures and posts that had people in them or scenic places got the post engagement, views, and clicks. like I said before the more the better the more people click and view or like the more likely your post will show up when someone is looking for a specific thing such as events and will move your post to the top of the page which establishes more views per person. Tagging and hashtagging also influence viewer search when on looking for something specific your page will pop up with their search and when you like something they also like you will pop up closer to their visual feed than without such aspects.

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