Saturday, May 25, 2019

Week 14 Ads

 For these three Ads specifically, I went with two ads from the facebook page and one from Instagram. Each one of these Ads that I chose were events or are for future events to which is what I wanted to focus on. I've mentioned this multiple times about how I want to focus on getting customers off of real life experiences. Doing this can up the attendance to events and give the customer a look into the extent we go to satisfy their needs.

 For this event, I chose a picture from a past similar event involving a three-day desert event including vendors, campers, dirt bike riders and many other deserts going people. This event shows a small portion of a spot. Using exciting eye-catching language such as "Set your schedules" influences people to remember an event.
For this event, it was around the time "Straight out of Compton" came out and a lot of people started to make memes and it was popular to use Straight out of (your city) which targeted the same demographic as of the people we were looking for. Putting the companies name first to bring in people who have heard of it or are current customers. Between all of the social media posts, and word of mouth this generated around 150 to show up. 

This Event is another IR Apparel event that I used for facebook. Using an address implements free advertising because it shows up for people who are within a certain distance from the event. Also to show it was a reoccurring event generates a group of regulars that continue to embrace the band. The pictures show's the location and activity yet is still inclusive to different demographics with a light overlay of the company name.

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