Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Monday, May 27, 2019
Week 16 Future Strategy Part 1
This class has actually shown a lot of valuable content on what advertising in social media entails and how much detail and effort it takes to form the correct advertisements for your business with professional layouts to generate the best engagement from customers. Personally, the social media I preferred to use the most was facebook and Instagram. Those two social media platforms I felt were the best for my business in particular. Learning sections about how to keep posts fun yet professional is really important especially for an event planning business such as mine.
Having a future strategy is important, focusing on which platforms suit my business specifically was a hit or miss. Like I said earlier the two platforms that I found were the most effective for a business such as mine in the event planning industry would be Facebook and Instagram. I found twitter the least effective until we have a big enough platform to advertising on all social media including youtube which is a goal of ours. Implementing tools like the last two chapters involving analytics is the most important to starting up a business keeping track of how your business ads and posts are doing to can help influence the best chance of coordinating posts to a viewers liking.
For my business, because it is almost solely based on marketing through social media and word of mouth I think the more time the better put into social media. Hopefully, about 10 hours a week to at least schedule outposts that will post through hoodsuit throughout the week. Hoodsuit is a great app to use to schedule future posts for certain times of the day and week that it will gain the most views and click aka locating the best time each post should be posted on different social media sights when they have the most active users.
A small formulate plan is through Hoodsuit as mentioned before. Each social media website has a specific time that people are the most active. Instagram is the most active during weekends and Facebook is the most active during the work week. Some social medias are more active in the morning while others are more active during the day and at night. I plan on implementing these times while including key components on a layout of which posts will flow better with one another. Holidays and specials will be posted on upcoming holidays, for example, 4th of July, we will be advertising our deals starting around now in may for anyone's upcoming 4th of July event activities. Each week will have at least two-three scheduled posts as to not be too pushy, again for holiday deals they should be posted more like 5 times a week to get the word out quicker yet still staying in the boundaries of what our business can do and for how many events a day we can handle with the best of the best quality.
Having a future strategy is important, focusing on which platforms suit my business specifically was a hit or miss. Like I said earlier the two platforms that I found were the most effective for a business such as mine in the event planning industry would be Facebook and Instagram. I found twitter the least effective until we have a big enough platform to advertising on all social media including youtube which is a goal of ours. Implementing tools like the last two chapters involving analytics is the most important to starting up a business keeping track of how your business ads and posts are doing to can help influence the best chance of coordinating posts to a viewers liking.
For my business, because it is almost solely based on marketing through social media and word of mouth I think the more time the better put into social media. Hopefully, about 10 hours a week to at least schedule outposts that will post through hoodsuit throughout the week. Hoodsuit is a great app to use to schedule future posts for certain times of the day and week that it will gain the most views and click aka locating the best time each post should be posted on different social media sights when they have the most active users.
A small formulate plan is through Hoodsuit as mentioned before. Each social media website has a specific time that people are the most active. Instagram is the most active during weekends and Facebook is the most active during the work week. Some social medias are more active in the morning while others are more active during the day and at night. I plan on implementing these times while including key components on a layout of which posts will flow better with one another. Holidays and specials will be posted on upcoming holidays, for example, 4th of July, we will be advertising our deals starting around now in may for anyone's upcoming 4th of July event activities. Each week will have at least two-three scheduled posts as to not be too pushy, again for holiday deals they should be posted more like 5 times a week to get the word out quicker yet still staying in the boundaries of what our business can do and for how many events a day we can handle with the best of the best quality.
Week 15 part 2
Due to the fact I did not have enough page likes to access my anylitcs, I decided to do some research on what exactly Facebook analytics intails. The first major panel in analytics is the facebook insights. This shows how your "reach" is working out. This shows the number of people you have reached and the percentage of people from the previous week, Green shows that it is an up in the number of people, red shows the lesser amount of people from the past week. The reason this is very important to keep track is that it can show you how well your advertisements are doing that bring people to your pages. If you are low for the week then switching up the type of advertising that you are currently doing to better target the majority of people. Another section that goes along with reach is the post engagement, showing which posts have the most engagement narrows down what your customers want to see and what they are looking for. More engagement on a post easily boosts the likely hood someone will see it. Going along with that it also shows positive vs negative feedback. Just because engagement is good does not mean the feedback will be good. Keeping track of positive feed can further narrow down what is best for the business and emphasize good changes that are needed to be made.
Week 15 Google Analytics Part 1
Google Analytics is important because it helps you understand how people use your websites and apps so that we can take action to improve our customers and visitors experience. I decided to analyze the compare section of the google analytics pages to further recognize which feature would be the correct one for my business. The original "Analytics" said that it was perfect for a small business which is a free application that includes; Multiple data collection options across websites, apps, and internet-connected devices, Data access via mobile app, API, email notifications,
The advanced site and app reporting and segmentation (including real-time and user-centric reporting). It includes many other things but those are the main areas that are important to pay attention to with a small business.
The most important feature is the advance site and app reporting and segmentation because it is real-time and user-centric reporting. This way it reports back based on the people who click on the website or certain social media and can help our business form a marketing strategy based on our general customer base. Proactive insights will automatically bring up insights from data on key changes including new trends and other opportunities our business should be aware of. Advertising reports are also key for our business to see which ads are generating the most clicks and bookings. This also includes Google Ads which get "post-Click" performance metrics for people who click on ads and then access our website, this is key for online advertising. These would be checked daily to become most effective in how we run our website and ad bases.
The advanced site and app reporting and segmentation (including real-time and user-centric reporting). It includes many other things but those are the main areas that are important to pay attention to with a small business.
The most important feature is the advance site and app reporting and segmentation because it is real-time and user-centric reporting. This way it reports back based on the people who click on the website or certain social media and can help our business form a marketing strategy based on our general customer base. Proactive insights will automatically bring up insights from data on key changes including new trends and other opportunities our business should be aware of. Advertising reports are also key for our business to see which ads are generating the most clicks and bookings. This also includes Google Ads which get "post-Click" performance metrics for people who click on ads and then access our website, this is key for online advertising. These would be checked daily to become most effective in how we run our website and ad bases.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Week 14 Ads
For this event, it was around the time "Straight out of Compton" came out and a lot of people started to make memes and it was popular to use Straight out of (your city) which targeted the same demographic as of the people we were looking for. Putting the companies name first to bring in people who have heard of it or are current customers. Between all of the social media posts, and word of mouth this generated around 150 to show up.
This Event is another IR Apparel event that I used for facebook. Using an address implements free advertising because it shows up for people who are within a certain distance from the event. Also to show it was a reoccurring event generates a group of regulars that continue to embrace the band. The pictures show's the location and activity yet is still inclusive to different demographics with a light overlay of the company name.
Week 13 part 2
Facebook ads are all around surprising to me whenever I'm on Facebook the ads that pop up are always weirdly specific such as t-shirts that say "I'm a Gemini that rocks in the desert with my squad". So for this section, I was curious about how advertisers target those markets so I went through Facebook to find there how to section and ad targeting options. I specifically chose the small business section such as the ones we created for this class.
"There are a large number of targeting options with Facebook ads that help businesses get their ad in front of the right people so their ads can be the most effective. To make Facebook’s targeting options easier to understand, we’ve narrowed it down to the top seven categories—from the foundational options to the most sophisticated." says the small business ad section on facebook.
Facebook has six different options to choose when you are looking for Targeting options; demographics, interests, life events, lifestyle & financial, connections, behaviors, and Retargeting. There are a few main ones that would help for my event planning business specifically. The first is Life events, which are ads that can be targeting on recent life events such as anniversaries, weddings, etc. Lifestyle & Finacial, which is an option that targets users living a certain lifestyle, including travel frequency and the more important part, event attendance. Last is important to previous customers, Retargeting, this targets users who have previously clicked on an ad or visited our website/ social media.
Now, with that understanding how would I put in place the principles of "Good Design", the main principles I would use would be Innovative, making my social media ads different than most peoples. Aesthetic, making my ads look pleasing and eye-catching to the average user. The most important to me at least, The principle of good design, Honest being straight forward and honest as possible to get the trust factor in our customers/ future customers.
For how often I can use these ads will change depending on the different targeting options, at least every option will be implemented at least 3-4 times a month. This way it will not be overwhelming, yet still, leave a good look in everyone's eyes enough to remember the ad itself and come to use first for their next events.
Facebook Advertising on average $0.27 per click. Having an average amount of ads per targeting option should hopefully generate enough clicks to event schedule to have enough profit income of our business.
"There are a large number of targeting options with Facebook ads that help businesses get their ad in front of the right people so their ads can be the most effective. To make Facebook’s targeting options easier to understand, we’ve narrowed it down to the top seven categories—from the foundational options to the most sophisticated." says the small business ad section on facebook.
Facebook has six different options to choose when you are looking for Targeting options; demographics, interests, life events, lifestyle & financial, connections, behaviors, and Retargeting. There are a few main ones that would help for my event planning business specifically. The first is Life events, which are ads that can be targeting on recent life events such as anniversaries, weddings, etc. Lifestyle & Finacial, which is an option that targets users living a certain lifestyle, including travel frequency and the more important part, event attendance. Last is important to previous customers, Retargeting, this targets users who have previously clicked on an ad or visited our website/ social media.
Now, with that understanding how would I put in place the principles of "Good Design", the main principles I would use would be Innovative, making my social media ads different than most peoples. Aesthetic, making my ads look pleasing and eye-catching to the average user. The most important to me at least, The principle of good design, Honest being straight forward and honest as possible to get the trust factor in our customers/ future customers.
For how often I can use these ads will change depending on the different targeting options, at least every option will be implemented at least 3-4 times a month. This way it will not be overwhelming, yet still, leave a good look in everyone's eyes enough to remember the ad itself and come to use first for their next events.
Facebook Advertising on average $0.27 per click. Having an average amount of ads per targeting option should hopefully generate enough clicks to event schedule to have enough profit income of our business.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Week 13: Online advertising
Five Bussiness similar:
-Zperfect Party
-To La Lune Events
-Timeless Event Planning
-Invested Traveler Corporate
-Fourth Wall Events
Each one of the business I chose had yelp pages which I find is a great way to advertise. When a company has real-life reviews it helps the customer decide the company go with. There's a saying that I learned working retail for so many years. If you give a customer a great experience they will tell one other person, if you give them a bad experience they will 10 people. Yelp gives a good outlook on what the customers will be receiving regarding experience. For each one of these businesses, they have all five-star reviews across the board.
All but two have social media including Facebook and Instagram. Personally, the only two social media I find are powerhouses for advertising. Fourth Wall Events I find has the most appealing look to it involving layout. Clearly, it is Target marketed to more out there events instead of just your average day corporate or wedding events. Bright attracting colors that aren't overwhelming which is normally what puts me off from a website. Their Instagram page's layout is very professional almost as if they chose every picture to blend correctly. The other pages are all very professional with white backgrounds and a slight accent of one color. They all are aesthetically appealing to the eye.
The main "Call For Action" that I enjoyed Where Timeless event planning, Fourth Wall events, and Zperfect party. They all had similar ways to get people to hire them to plan the customer's events. All of them were along the lines of a picture of one of their events with a saying like "We are happy to serve or Plan your next event with us, or even the best and most unforgettable events we will achieve for you." Their advertisements weren't overpowering all over the page. I chose each one of these businesses because they prefer to let their experience prove for itself which is a nice change.
-Zperfect Party
-To La Lune Events
-Timeless Event Planning
-Invested Traveler Corporate
-Fourth Wall Events
Each one of the business I chose had yelp pages which I find is a great way to advertise. When a company has real-life reviews it helps the customer decide the company go with. There's a saying that I learned working retail for so many years. If you give a customer a great experience they will tell one other person, if you give them a bad experience they will 10 people. Yelp gives a good outlook on what the customers will be receiving regarding experience. For each one of these businesses, they have all five-star reviews across the board.
All but two have social media including Facebook and Instagram. Personally, the only two social media I find are powerhouses for advertising. Fourth Wall Events I find has the most appealing look to it involving layout. Clearly, it is Target marketed to more out there events instead of just your average day corporate or wedding events. Bright attracting colors that aren't overwhelming which is normally what puts me off from a website. Their Instagram page's layout is very professional almost as if they chose every picture to blend correctly. The other pages are all very professional with white backgrounds and a slight accent of one color. They all are aesthetically appealing to the eye.
The main "Call For Action" that I enjoyed Where Timeless event planning, Fourth Wall events, and Zperfect party. They all had similar ways to get people to hire them to plan the customer's events. All of them were along the lines of a picture of one of their events with a saying like "We are happy to serve or Plan your next event with us, or even the best and most unforgettable events we will achieve for you." Their advertisements weren't overpowering all over the page. I chose each one of these businesses because they prefer to let their experience prove for itself which is a nice change.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Week 11 blog post 2
Commented on:
Week 11 Email marketing
To start this off I wanted to preface that before I read this document I wasn't an avid supporter of email marketing. Mainly because for me at least whenever I see a marketing email I most likely will delete it. There are very few times and specific companies that I will almost always open and read. When reading this I found that the reason I read certain emails is that they use different strategies, unlike other marketing emails that I get. The no call to action aka not trying to convince me to spend money tend to be the emails that I read the most. When the article said, " It’s also much more expensive to find new customers than it is to retain the ones you have, so email
marketing helps you increase revenue with those who have already proven they are interested." I understood the big reasons I don't immediately delete or unsubscribe from companies such as; Off-road Ware House, Ocotillo Wells reserve foundation, Vans, and a few other companies. I wanted to be on the email, they don't only send emails out to get their customers to buy, they send emails to update customers on their products or services they are selling with a colorful layout full or interesting pictures, etc with their customers in mind of how to get each one to feel a personal approach.
Expanding emails such as word of mouth is very effective. One thing I've learned working retail over the years is that a bad experience will on average be told to ten other people, and a good experience will only be told to one person. Aka almost everyone will tell multiple people about a bad experience. when you give a good feeling out to a customer they will tell one other person, this one person will feel the urge to go use that business/ spend money then spread the word of how much they also enjoy. This is a very effective strategy when done correctly.
For my business as an event planner, as a newsletter email, I would focus on sending out emails about other events with pieces of information so that my customers have an option to join or be apart of an event. Also, a major one would be updated, filling our customers in on changes and about of the company as the years go on. The moment someone signs up for the mailing list they would receive an almost "welcome to the family" email with an about section of the company. Ending each email would include a slogan they would remember when looking for event planning companies that give a personal yet professional outlook on us.
Content I would think my customers would enjoy would be as I said above about other events, previous and future events including pricing packages and pictures to attract the customer's eyes. From there it would be promotional and update emails. At most these would be spaced out to be about once a week so their inbox isn't flooded and they are not overwhelmed which I find is another reason tend to unsubscribe. I want to focus on the personal feel of the company that we are here to serve them the best we can and not to scam them into spending money.
Expanding emails such as word of mouth is very effective. One thing I've learned working retail over the years is that a bad experience will on average be told to ten other people, and a good experience will only be told to one person. Aka almost everyone will tell multiple people about a bad experience. when you give a good feeling out to a customer they will tell one other person, this one person will feel the urge to go use that business/ spend money then spread the word of how much they also enjoy. This is a very effective strategy when done correctly.
For my business as an event planner, as a newsletter email, I would focus on sending out emails about other events with pieces of information so that my customers have an option to join or be apart of an event. Also, a major one would be updated, filling our customers in on changes and about of the company as the years go on. The moment someone signs up for the mailing list they would receive an almost "welcome to the family" email with an about section of the company. Ending each email would include a slogan they would remember when looking for event planning companies that give a personal yet professional outlook on us.
Content I would think my customers would enjoy would be as I said above about other events, previous and future events including pricing packages and pictures to attract the customer's eyes. From there it would be promotional and update emails. At most these would be spaced out to be about once a week so their inbox isn't flooded and they are not overwhelmed which I find is another reason tend to unsubscribe. I want to focus on the personal feel of the company that we are here to serve them the best we can and not to scam them into spending money.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Week 7 part 2
I think these posts will engage my audience mainly because of the picture content. When it comes to remembering anything personally I remember a picture of a post with a bunch of words. Plus then you are more likely to get engagement on posts such as likes and comments when a picture is involved. Also attention grabbers such as "Guess what?!" will draw peoples eyes to your post because of its urgency. I find the more appealing the post the better. Also, pictures and posts that had people in them or scenic places got the post engagement, views, and clicks. like I said before the more the better the more people click and view or like the more likely your post will show up when someone is looking for a specific thing such as events and will move your post to the top of the page which establishes more views per person. Tagging and hashtagging also influence viewer search when on looking for something specific your page will pop up with their search and when you like something they also like you will pop up closer to their visual feed than without such aspects.
Week 7 part 1
I decided to do a mix of pages to like that range from marketing
and event planning group to brands that throw large events and people who are influencers,
riders, sponsors. I decided to do a wide range because the more you follow the
better the outcome. The brand pages are really helpful in learning good times to
post and for using the content they post almost like an outline to use for future
events my business plans. The social media marketing and event planning groups I
followed also help me link up with other people like me to do collaborations,
ask questions and build good connections with people in the same field as me. The
specific people I follow are big names in the industry I work in and it can
only help more when it comes to invitations of big names to events to increase
travel follow. When it comes to growing a business the more you post, the more active
you are can only help the traffic flow to certain pages such as in this case
Facebook. When liking a page it gives you a list of options called “you may
also like” which many social media sites use to grow the number of people that
access your page. If you like the same pages as another company or person, it
will lead them straight to your site because of the similarity aspects of it.
Week 12 Part 2
For my first option, I decided to do Meetup Groups. One
I really liked was San Marcos wedding planning group (
because I haven’t worked in many events such
as weddings so I found that it will help broaden my horizon when it came to
planning events. I also really enjoyed the fact that they have a discussion
board which helps people that have questions or just couldn’t go to the group
meetings in San Marcos voice their opinions. It also showed the events they have
helped plan and organize to help people understand exactly what they are
getting into including photos and a members list. Their about section also
helped a lot when I was choosing which group I enjoyed out of the many in
California other than the fact it was the closest to me. “Wedding vendors,
photographers, videographers, and models are welcome to join. This meetup has
the purpose of building each other's businesses by supporting and sharing ideas
for business development.” It emphasized that it was a group for all kinds of
people to help get in touch with everything you need to plan a wedding such as photographers
and vendors.
For my second option, I decided to go with a different site
that wasn’t listed, but for my business, it would be very helpful to network my Event
planning business. I decided to use a website called Socialtables (
On this website, you can find conferences and seminars that are related to your industry that can help teach you valuable lessons
when starting up or refreshing a business. The specific one I found was “The
Top 20+ Trade Shows and Event Planning Conferences 2019 Has to Offer” this
article and website also has “the best” options and learning for “using social
media promotion” which is exactly what we are looking for accordance to this
class. They are categorized by location, date and what the event is about such
as special events and academic event professionals. One that drew my eye is on
In San Diego, CA that is focused on the special event industry. Their about
sections says “At The Special Event (TSE), the industry’s largest trade show
and conference for event professionals, you’ll connect with over 5,000 event
colleagues, exhibitors, and mentors. During your time at TSE, you can select
from over 100 education sessions, attend showcasing events, network with fellow
event professionals, and explore through thousands of products on the exhibit
hall floor.” I enjoyed that it emphasized the number of people and connections
you can make just by going which include 100 education sections which real
people who made a living off of event planning and how they did it/ advice. I
think it could also help by meeting as many professionals as possible to help
for future job opportunities and connections for uses on future events.
Week 12 Part
One online marketing tool that I actually really
enjoyed using in my past marketing jobs is called It is a social
media management platform that lets your build smarter workflows, scales across
your organization and delivers demonstrable ROI and can also help your monitor
what people are saying about your brand and help you respond instantly. It
allows you to managers sites such as; twitter, Facebook pages, linked in pages,
Instagram, Wordpress blogs, vimo, tumblr, evernote, flickr,mailchimp,
slideshare, storify and a ton more which includes adding more than one page
from each social media site. It is an all in one app where you can see all your
pages and post from all of them at scheduled times of your choosing. You can
make posts in advance and schedule them for a certain time of day which is why I
found it so useful in the first place. You can also cross post which means you
can write a post and it will be posted on the sites of your choosing all at the
same time. It’s a great social media and marketing tool to use when you have a
lot of accounts with regular postings with advertising and more.
It would be easy to integrate this marketing tool for my
business and other businesses that a social media based on the fact of what we
have learned about specific times being better to post than others on certain
days. Being able to plan out tons of posts for the week and then not have to continuously
be on each app separately posting when you think is the right time. The marketing
tool website also has lots of tips and marketing tricks including real people
you can set up with to video chat that will give you real-time advice on how to
grow your marketing strategy of your business.

Monday, April 8, 2019
Week 10 part 2
The main categories I would use would be Social meidas' so that all of my social media would be in one place, Contact information for certain types of events even a list of vendors etc they can contact through me for events, and feedback with comments from past customers and attendees from my events so the customer can get a look into why they should hire us. Another main one would be past events so they can see what exactly has been accomplished and the lengths we could go for them
All of these easily accessible categories will help greatly in growing the business and help the customer feel at ease on what they are looking for and how I can help.
I commented on 3 peoples posts:
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Week 10 Human Interest to a Post
Depending on if your business blog has a face to it such as the one we have in class can depend on how personal a post can be. Adding a personal real human behind the face of a business can really help with helping customers and viewers connect on a deeper level with the company and blogger themselves. When blogging for someone else or a company with personal guidelines that don't recommend a level of very personal outlooks it is important to be able to influence the companies ideal. For example when blogging for a stricter company, putting ideals and acceptable levels of personality to a company can greatly influence the viewer to almost have a relatable situation with the company.
Adding a guest writer can also help with influencing a personal feel. This can also help new readers to find you when your link is associated with another person's blog which can bump up viewer analytics.
One thing I have recognized when it comes to business and selling using ads is that the ones that have an emotional appeal tend to do the best. I looked up why emotion is so important and study shows that customers rely on emotion, rather than information to make a decision on which brand they choose and influence. The emotional responses to ads are more influential on a person's intent to buy than the content of an ad. As Douglas Van Praet, author of Unconscious Branding: How Neuroscience Can Empower (and Inspire) Marketing, wrote in Fast Company, “The most startling truth is we don’t even think our way to logical solutions. We feel our way to reason. Emotions are the substrate, the base layer of neural circuitry underpinning even rational deliberation. Emotions don’t hinder decisions. They constitute the foundation on which they’re made!” I personally find this very true, when a brand shows a more personable background aka putting a face to the business, I am more likely to stand behind it and more likely to buy the product especially when it is ensuring things such as "when you buy this item 15% is donated to save the oceans".
The Advertising Research Foundation concluded that Studies show that positive emotions toward a brand have a far greater influence on consumer loyalty than trust and other judgments, which are based on a brand’s attributes. Have you noticed this? when looking at posts from a real human being vs a specifically illustrated post which are you more likely to want to read? A real opinion vs a comprised response is always something I look for in a company. when involving other people such as using real comments from real people in a post I tend to trust the company more and am more willing to buy or share what that company is selling or providing.
When it comes to business I sometimes find my self too into a comprised specifically illustrated responses. This assignment made me realize that when it comes to me being the customer I am more likely to go with the company that I have a connection with which intern makes me a loyal customer. I am a creature of habit I go to the same places for specific things, but when looking for a new company I base my decision of reviews of how the company interacts with its customers and the personable feel to make me comfortable when choosing the brand. The next time you are looking for something new think about why you are choosing to go with that company. For the companies, you are loyal with think about why you are loyal to these companies. Does the emotional and personable feel of the company influence your decision?
Monday, April 1, 2019
Blog Post week 9 Twitter
Twitter has never really been my thing, I don’t necessarily find it as useful than other social media sites in my opinion. To find my connections I used keywords such as brand names, events I know well, and the word “Marketing” so that I could get an idea of what I have been missing out not using Twitter for my social media profiles. I found it actually very easy and convenient that Twitter, like Instagram, has the verified marker by the user's name so you know that the account you are following is legit.
I created two lists, the first list is called Brands. Brands are for the major companies that are killing the game in the event categories so that it is easier to keep track of what's going on, who is sponsoring, and key aspects of how to advertise an event the “right way”. The second group is called Marketing, I added people who specialize in marketing and even a twitter marketing page to help strategize the best times to post and who to contact. Creating a list shows you a timeline of tweets from only the accounts on the list which helps keep what you are useful to use and miscellaneous pages separate from each other. They are also easier to keep track of.
I found that the best times to post on Twitter are Thursdays at noon and Friday 11:00am- noon. Also, 10:00am- 2:00pm Tuesday-Friday seems to also be great times for people on twitter. Of course, posting multiple times a day for a period will help build the number of people who will see your Tweet so Twitter seems to be one of those social media websites that encourages “the more the better” mentality.
Monday, March 4, 2019
Week 6 Facebook Reach and Engagement
Post reach describes the number of people who saw a certain post you posted on your page. There are a few different types of post reach. Organic which is normally what marketers use which is the number of people who were reached by a post that isn’t paid/ wasn’t sponsored. Facebook defines it as a number of people who visited your page/ saw your page or one of is posts in news feed or ticker. There is also Viral reach which is the number of people who saw your page or one of your posts from a story that was published by a friend. When you go through your feed it normally will show in the fast it will say “*** liked this” or “*** commented on this” about the Facebook post. I’m sure we have all seen this at one point in time before. Now there is something called paid reach/ unpaid reach. Both the examples above were of unpaid reaches. Paid reach is the number of people who saw a sponsored story for Ad pointing to your page. Paid reach can include that crazy specific ad that directly affects you such as one I saw yesterday that was a shirt that was being sold saying “ Carly’s that are Geminis Rock” Weirdly specific posts… Post engagement, on the other hand, generally speaking, is when people perform actions on your post such as clicking it, liking it, sharing it and commenting on it. To encourage engagement on posts you will see people saying “repost this” or “like this If you ***” People will even go as far as posting controversial things to get people having conversations in the comment section and reposting it to get as much interaction as possible.
Knowing the difference is important solely because of who is posting it. Paid ads will always have to say at the top who sponsored it. So you will see controversial topics for a light-hearted example of an article explain why cookies are bad for you and popcorn is good for you when its sponsored by a Popcorn delivery company. Clearly, the sponsor is biased to the topic which is always important to pay attention to. Also, another reason why its important to know the difference between post reach category’s and post engagement categories is that even though someone paid for an advertisement doesn’t mean it will get the most interaction for a post compared to unpaid or organic posts. You should know the differences to help your specific post be valuable to the business.
For a business using Facebook insights can help them serve their customers better by finding the most popular posts, finding the most popular times people are seeing their posts to post during specific times to get the most people they can to see it to influence as much engagement as they can to have more people see it at the top of their Facebook feed when the popular times are up. It also helps a business market to customers who are directly interested or influenced by what the business is selling whether is a product or an experience.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Week 5 Pt2 Target Markets
There are a few target markets for Encinitas Skatejam Collaborative
that help the majority of the business to run. The basic target markets are at Risk
youth, Skateboarders. Other non-profit organizations, Sponsors for skaters. The
Main Target Market This structure is in direct correlation to the majority of
the demographic of skateboarders, who do not come from affluent backgrounds.
For many, regardless of their skill level, the opportunity to make
skateboarding a reasonable career path is not tangible, mainly due to financial
situations and conditions of living.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Week 5 Part 1

Subways Target market looks advertise fast and easy to find anywhere you are. Their target market is larger than Hungry Bear where they are targeting a smaller area of people with their big portions for low prices and “never frozen” food. Both companies seem to target an all age demographic both with kids menus. Although subway does advertise its freshness, Hungry Bear meets the fresh market better using reviews for real people and descriptions saying, “always fresh”. Subway also hits the Franchise market for people who would like to own a business. “Be your own boss” with steps to getting your own subway. When Hungry bear clearly has one location that has a homie family feel which brings in the friendly neighborhood market. Which leads us into the Psychographics of each business, Like I said earlier Hungry bear gives a smaller family warm feel and Subway is more of a sport demographic. Subway is influencing the consumer that they should eat Subway before or after a sports event or sports activity. Referring to what we talk about last week Subway and Hungry Bear have very different layouts when it comes to colors, pictures, and information. Subway has the iconic colors and logo of yellow and green arrows making an S where if you see it without having the word subway next to it, you would most likely be able to figure out the logo was for subway. The colors with a white background give it a fresh light feel. Hungry bear has a bit of a darker color scheme with pictures of the store in the background and comments from real people about their portions and freshness while keeping it's professional and not overwhelming. Both websites use the best of the best-looking pictures of their sandwiches to get the consumer to want to buy what they see. Subway is based off new items and Hungry Bear is based on the most popular items. Because these are both relatively sandwich shops they have the same all ages target market and some similarities, but also have differences that set each restaurant apart from one another which will influence the consumer of what they want including freshness, convenience, price, and proportion. Overall even with very different tones each business site get their point across effectively.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Week 4 part 1

The two websites that could use a bit of help:
For the Website there were a few immediate Problems for visitors I saw were; Colors, Outdated and organization. The colors of the websites are eye-catching yes, but it's very overwhelming to the viewer. The neon reds, blues, and yellows move your eyes all over the page constantly and make it generally hard to read. Changing the website to a certain subgroup of colors to help the reader scan the page for what they are there for. The page looks super outdated. Although it says it was updated in 2018 it looks more like a rudimentary early 2000s website connected to a myspace page. Changing the font, Removing the moving banners and taking away the block format will make the page flow better and look more like a page someone could trust and would be more willing to buy off of. Organization of the website is all over the place. The website goes from selling parts to special events back to selling parts and then to social media. If they organized into sections of just selling parts then social media, contacts and special events it would help the reader find what they need faster instead of getting frustrated not knowing where to go. Also adding a search bar would help the site out a lot.
For the website Penny juice I found a couple of the same problems Rover 6 cars had the main thing was the color combos, The repetition, and picture quality. Once again the colors really through you off guard. I understand that it’s a website geared toward children, but there are better color schemes with multiple colors that look a bit cleaner. The rainbow font is a bit hokey looking. Color gradient like in the examples from the lectures would still be a fun eye-catching website and would make it less overwhelming. Scrolling through the websites there’s a lot repetition to try to coax the viewer into buying the juice, but instead of just huge letters saying BUY Now all over the page they should keep it to the top category for them to make the decision based on reviews of people and maybe even getting more social media websites like Instagram will help the advertising flow more smoothly. The picture quality is not great, to say the least. It makes the product almost look unappetizing and cheap. When you click on the link to learn about the juice it has only two photos that look like they were taken with a flip phone. Better quality photos, more interesting posts and better details when it comes to the juice will help the viewer decided on if they would like to buy it based on how good it looks. At the end of the day, especially nowadays esthetic is key and a picture will sell someone or turn someone off from a product.
The two websites that nailed it:
The website for Apple is very pleasing for the viewer. The product photos and information on each product is almost flawless. Navigation through the website is fairly easy for the common user. A search bar is always personally what I look for in a great website. The colors flow well together with the black and greyscale backgrounds and the white easy to read font. Each category at the top of the page gives the viewer easy access to exactly what they are looking for. Apple also includes multiple ways of finding a store if you would like to see the product in person, Easy ways to contact support and problem solving on the website. The website overall is very aesthetically pleasing. The advertising isn’t too much in your face with the website presenting good deals for a product.
The website for Toyota starts off with a simple navigation technique of asking for a zip code giving you the closest dealerships to the viewer giving it a personal feel. The white and red esthetic isn’t overwhelming. It has easy to use categories at the top including the type of vehicle you want, pricing and contacts. After you find your location there are high-quality photos of the vehicles and videos to watch. Instead of having long paragraphs on what each vehicle offers they have bullet points which is easier for the viewer to read. The main page also has the rewards Toyota has won including the best resale value award which encourages the viewer to want to buy the product knowing there’s a good future to it and is great quality without having to say it. Toyota even has a section that tells you what is going on with news articles with financial offerings for students and military.
The two websites overall are great websites to use, I would fully recommend a trusting looking website such as these to anyone looking for a product. The websites sell itself easy.
Monday, February 11, 2019
Week 3 Part 2
!!11Go Pro Website: Go Pro uses many websites such as; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pintrest and YouTube. Go Pro seems to use all of their social medias often, Their Facebook and Instagram have at least two posts a day on them 2/11/2019. Their Twitter seems to be used a bit less seems to be used about 2-3 times a week their last post was 2/8/19. Pintrest on the other hand seems to be used about 4 times a month their last post on there was 2/1/2019. They seem to use their social medias pretty well and often. The less popular sites such as Pintrest and Twitter they don’t post as frequently.
2. RastaClat: Rastaclat uses Intagram, Facebook and twitter
Rastaclat actively uses all of their social media websites, the most used one is Instagram posting 1-3 times a day 2/11/2019 they posted twice. Facebook they post once everyday 2/11/2019, Twitter is about the same posting once everyday 2/11/19. All of these are being used well and shows rastaclat is very involved with their followers which includes responding to peoples comments, retweeting, reposting their followers photos etc. Where one site is posted on more, the other sites are still active in these other interactives with followers to make up for it.
Vans is a huge company and uses their Intagram often, about two times a day and they have multiple accounts for each section of vans like surf,skate, their customer appreciation etc. Facebook is also the same with multiple posts a day and have multiple accounts along with it. Their pintrest is also active about once a day along with tumblr and wanelo 2/11/19. Vans is pretty interactive on social media and the amount of followers they have and comments on posts shows it. All of their social medias are being used frequently.
Netlfix uses Intagram about once everyday along with their twitter and youtube. They seem to be less interactive with followers and only post when there is a new show being aired and memes surrounding their popular shows such as big mouth, American horror story etc. All of their accounts are used about the same and seem to post the exact same thing on the same day and same hour to reach the bigger crowds more effectively when advertising.
5. Airbnb: Airbnb uses facebook,twitter and Instagram
Airbnb uses all of there accounts like Netflix does when it comes to the exact same posts in the same hour on each site about once per day 2/11/19. Airbnb does a great job at advertising the best of the best-looking places. Each post makes you want to be there establishing great prices and easy booking in every post.
Every company I listed use social media as a main act of advertising for their companies. All free websites that saves them mass amount of money. Each of the companies I mentioned have similar posting styles but are all unique in the way they post when it come to advertising, Customer relations and interactives with their followers. All of them use the same main Social media which are, Facebook, Instagram and twitter. The not so common ones that were used in only a few were Tumblr, Pintrest, and youtube. The most uncommon one I saw was Wanelo. I was curious to see the way each website advertised their social medias. Every Website had their social media’s at the bottom of their page with icons that were clickable links. All of the social media’s were easy to access and eye catching to attract the common consumer to their product. Some of the sites were more obvious advertising techniques while others such as Gopro and Vans were more of an indirect advertising technique.
Sunday, February 10, 2019
Week 3 response comments
I responded on these three amazing posts! Great job to everyone really made you think :)
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Social media use for businesses week 3 part 1
Luckily, I haven’t had any issues/ difficulties in communicating with a business. I think social media should be a last resort when trying to get a problem solved, but I have heard many accounts in which it does work. In situations such as bad service or even companies that are unprofessional and the customer writes a post about them or tags them in something explaining what happened they are more likely to get a problem in that situation solved because it is seen by multiple people. When it is seen by multiple people the business risks “bad press”. I also know plenty of business that uses social media like Instagram that people can DM and get assistance directly to a person.
I have had a few positive experiences communicating with a business through social media, again through Instagram. I do some Brand influencer stuff with a few companies such as Rastaclat and Madera. These companies actually contacted me through social media to be a Brand ambassador/influencer and I have gotten to personally talk to the business through DM until one feels more comfortable to give out an email or address to furthermore sensitive type information. Rastaclat by far has the best communication skills through social media, it has a huge following with many people who will personally work with you if you have any questions or problems.
If it was my own business on social media I would focus on the more positive comments. Even responding to each positive comment by liking it or giving appreciation to the person/ persons leaving the comments. If someone comments with a problem or issue I would politely respond with either “we are sorry you had a bad experience” something like that and “Please DM us and we are more than happy to fix the issue or respond with “ We will be DMing you soon to hopefully take care of the issue for you 😊”. If people comment rude comments or clearly targeting comments than I would delete the comment and block the person from seeing the post/ business page. At the end of the day customer service will make or break a company and since social media is a huge part of the newer generations/ consumers it should be utilized to help the consumer. For the other so-called “trolls” they will always be around and handling them as professional as possible is always the best option.
Sunday, February 3, 2019
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Using social media for business week 2 CSIT155
Business in Social media platforms
Nowadays there are many social media platforms used for personal use. Major platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and Tumbler all have special aspects to them but hold similar backgrounds. The differences and similarities of each platform make people feel the need to have an account in practically all the sites that I have mentioned. They seem to be geared toward personal use because they are advertised to help connect with friends, share pictures and common interests with followers and outside sources. Instagram and Snapchat are in the same category where they generally have just one objective of sharing your life, pictures, business, etc. with groups of followers. Facebook and Twitter tend to be more well rounded in the fact it has all sorts of information on it, you can buy/sell products, join groups if you are interested in a certain subject, all while connecting with friends and families through chats and pictures.
Generally, because of the mass users on each social media website, it makes it well rounded for business and marketing. These sites are used more than Yelp, people will check a Facebook page, twitter page etc. to see people’s reviews on the businesses. Even my car has apps on it that work with navigation to find a business and its connection to “Facebook pages” where it links you to the reviews people have left about the business. As I’ve mentioned before people also use Facebook as a business in its own. Pages like “ Off-Road desert deals” is a page you can buy and things like lights all the way to cars. People also start-up business only on Facebook selling jewelry, clothes experiences etc. A business that creates tools like this makes it so it is impossible for individuals to live without them and also making it easier for people to get themselves out there.
Most if not all the social media platforms I mentioned almost every big known and small businesses use. All these platforms are free to use which cuts down costs of advertising greatly and if you do what to advertise to a certain demographic of people you can pay to have your advertisement show up on a persons feed. On these websites, Targeting sales are massive because of the website’s algorithms. These platforms have made it a “one-stop shop” for the average internet social media user.
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